

I can't say that I was ever eating really poorly, but overall since last year when my overall health, and mainly my digestion came down to its lowest point, when even dry bread had me throwing up, I have mildly altered my diet, with amazing results! I have entirely stopped eating wheat products, according to my Dr. I am not Gluten-intolerant. But going on well-being and my body feeling, wheat is what had me down. I have to say it was quite a challenge at first, but about a year later, the only product I do miss a bit is traditional bread! Although there are some excellent non-wheat solutions out there.

Other than that I have sharply reduced my meat intake, not out of vegetarian principle, but rather because I came to the point where it just doesn't taste right anymore. I'd rather eat meat once a month or even only every 2 months, but then give me a really good piece of meat!

Furthermore I changed to purchasing my products as locally as possible, and as a first test run I am growing Bell Peppers and tomatoes on the balcony.  And I stay away from Fast Food, and processed foods as much as possible, as George Carlin put it: "imagine the people who are processing your food.."

One of the links I can absolutely recommend if you are looking at improving your diet is:

From that link I also got the idea to eat 2 avocados a week, with a lot of garlic, and those 2 have been doing wonders to my liver, which feels much younger and healthier! What I can also say, is having a healthier diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables actually got me to enjoy my food even more, and I love delicious food!


Nature has got it right, and whenever we as humans think we can do better, it would be best to just stop there. Then to take a deep look inside asking can we really do better than nature, which has been around for quite a while before us. The honest answer will probably be no we can't do it better.

Privacy and the internet

So with the latest NSA scandal, probably the last one using a computer has become aware that everything you say and do on the internet can be tracked in one way or another. What it comes down to is very simple; the only place that remains truly private is inside our heads!

Anything you type into a machine, whether on a social network or even a "private" email etc., is in the end accessible to at least the company whose service you are using to write an email.  And they do access all your emails. As an example, wrote to a friend about Poi once, and the next day I had advertisement linking me to Poi resellers etc....

So: privacy and the internet? Simple: you want to keep something private, don't put it on the internet in any way shape or form.  If you put it out there, it is accessible.



I have been battling with this most of my life.Expectations, or rather the expectations that other people have of me. The unquestionable and ultimate answer to these is: FUCK 'EM, they are not mine. This holds true for my employer, my family as well as my friends.

I have for a long time worked on actually pleasing other people, but ultimately there is just no pleasing everyone all the time, so if you satisfy one person, at the same time you'll disappoint someone else. My question then is, why bother at all?  And the only possible answer is, just don't bother.  Ultimately what most expect of you is things they fail at themselves, so why should you have to live to a standard that they cannot satisfy themselves?

No really there is just no way to keep on doing it like this.  All that matters at the end of the day is what makes sense to me, no matter what someone else may come to think of me. In the end, the only one who can truly judge me, will be me, so no it's time to stop bothering with the others, and just focus on myself, and my motto is do whatever I like, as long as I don't intentionally harm someone else.

Or to use Ben Harper's word: "Take me as I am, or leave me the way you found me!"


Don't judge! even when you think you know, there are always things that elude you! So just don't judge! Simply do better than what you think you know!

Not sure I manage it all the time, at least not lately as falling victim to my own judgement is what led me to this conclusion.. but getting there eventually ! keep up positive thoughts...

current state of affairs....

without all the reasoning behind it, here is a thought: Our world in its current state can only be saved if the "regular" people will get off their ass, and actually chase all those in "power" out of it, and install a direct democracy (which granted might not be the most efficient, but at least it is closest to the majority deciding, so has a chance at "fairness".)

This is the case as, simply put the people and corporations that are in charge, have come to a point where they are so consumed by their "power" they long to have more of it all the time, in whatever way shape or form they can get it!!

The only people truly fit to run the world, would be those totally opposed to doing so, and even they may well be corrupted by "power" at some point.

The other option I see would be if we'd actually just, each one of us, do one good thing for someone else per week, and at least try not to harm anyone else, we'll be fine as well.. But do we have the discipline for this one?